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Directions to the Range

Driving to the Range


Please use the following directions when looking for Dakota County Gun Club. Navigation apps like Google Maps are NOT RELIABLE because they may not know that many of the roads around UMore park are currently closed.


Coming from the West on County Road 46 (CR46):

1.   Turn Right onto Biscayne

2.   Turn Left at the intersection of 170th and Biscayne

3.   Turn Right onto Station Trail at the stop sign

4.   Follow Station Trail past Whitetail Woods Regional Park until it comes to Dakota County Gun Club gate entrance.


Coming from the East on CR46:

1.   Turn Left onto Biscayne

2.   Turn Left at the intersection of 170th and Biscayne

3.   Turn Right onto Station Trail at the stop sign

4.   Follow Station Trail past Whitetail Woods until it ends at the Dakota County Gun Club entrance gate.


Coming from the South on Hwy 3:

1.   Turn Right onto 170th Street W

2.   Go straight through the the intersection of 170th and Biscayne

3.   Turn Right onto Station Trail at the stop sign

4.   Follow Station Trail past Whitetail Woods until it comes to Dakota County Gun Club entrance gate.


Coming from the North on Hwy 3:

1.   Turn Left onto 170th Street W

2.   Go straight through the intersection of 170th and Biscayne

3.   Turn Right onto Station Trail at the stop sign

4.   Follow Station Trail past whitetail woods until it ends at the Dakota County Gun Club entrance gate.