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How do I get to be a member?
In March of the year, we send out renewal notices to all the members and by May we
typically know who is dropping their membership. At that point, we send out ‘invitations
to join’ to the people on the top of the waiting list.  Once we have all the people we need to replace our membership, we sometimes open the waiting list to refill it in June.  Website will let you know if the waiting list will be open or not for the year.  There will be a register button on our homepage for you to click on to register for the waiting list.  Some years the waiting list opens up and some years it does not.   

If open for the year:  To get on the waiting list, you must check and register through the website in June.  The website will tell you when the waiting list is open.  You just have to keep checking the website daily or as ofton as you like.  We don't accept an email asking to be a member.   The waiting list will open and close without notice on the website.   Usually within a day or two.  It is first come, first serve.

To become a member, you must have in possession at registration a permit to carry a concealed weapon and/or have a permit to purchase a handgun.  No exceptions.
How long does it take on the waiting list?
Most people are on the waiting list a few years before being offered a membership.  On average we bring in 25 new members a year.   In some years, we have to offer memberships right away as you sign up and there is no waiting.  It is first come, first serve.
Are there any shortcuts?
Nope. We don’t allow anyone to bump onto the list because they are friends or relatives
of members and there is no way to pay to get on. We are straight first come, first served.
How many members are there?
Our membership at Dakota County Gun Club is currently capped at 600 paying members.
How much does it cost?

That’s a 2-part question:

A) Our yearly dues are $100. In addition, members are required to perform 8 work hours for the club.
If they do not, they are billed $25/hour for any they did not work.

B) Joining the club has a couple additional expenses. We have a $25 signup/application fee
and a $200 work hour deposit. Added to your first year’s dues and that makes
the cost to join $325 plus 8 hours of work for the club. The work hour deposit is refunded when you leave the club
provided you have worked all of your hours that year.

What are the requirements for membership?
Prospective members need to provide either a copy of their MN Concealed Carry Permit or valid MN
Permit to Acquire a Handgun. Both of these documents require a government background check for
prospective members. Of the 2, the Permit to Acquire is the quickest and is no charge and can be
obtained from your local police department. You simply drop by, fill out the paperwork and in 1-2
weeks they mail it to you.
What are the hours where we can shoot?
Monday- Saturday:                      8:00 AM to 9:00 PM or sunset (whichever is earlier)
Sunday:                                   12:00 noon to 9:00 PM or sunset (whichever is earlier)
Can my spouse join too?
Yes, we offer joint memberships for couples legally married. The joint membership gives each of you the
right to use the club independently. You only pay 1 set of dues, but you also only get 1 vote on yearly
rules changes. Both of you are required to provide the necessary documentation and both of you must attend "New Member Orientation".
Will I be able to bring friends?
Yes! Most gun enthusiasts enjoy sharing their sport with others and we encourage it. Each member can
have 2 guest at the club at any time.
What kind of ranges to you have?

We have quite a variety:

• A Youth only rimfire range (allows us to host youth events without displacing our members)
• An Archery Range
• A Clay Target Range
• A Shotgun patterning board
• A rifle range with backstops at:
o 25 yards
o 50 yards
o 100 yards
o 200 yards
o 300 yards

• A bowling pin range
• A pistol range
• A multipurpose range that can be used for most anything including cowboy action shooting

That work hours thing worries me. What if I am disabled/busy/hate work/etc.?
Since we are an entirely volunteer organization, there are Always things that can be done for members
of all abilities.
If you can shoot, you can also spot for someone at our annual Deer Rifle Site In, you can
sit at the county fair and answer questions for bystanders or you can help with mailings.
Of course, there are always physical labor jobs to do around the club.
And members who are unable to complete their work hours can pay the additional $200 for that year.
This is great, but I have a question that you didn’t answer. Who do I contact?